Glue Rings
Glue Rings
Glue Rings
Large Rings
Glue Rings
Glue Rings
Glue Rings
Glue Rings
Glue Rings
Glue Rings
Glue Rings
Glue Rings
Glue Rings
Large Rings
Glue Rings
Glue Rings
Glue Rings
Glue Rings
Glue Rings
Glue Rings

Glue Rings

$ 1.95 Sale Save

Our best glue adhesive holder yet!

If you like it then you shoulda put a ring on it! A glue ring that is. Our stylists have found that when using these rings, the glue does not dry as fast, therefore they use less glue per client.

The partitioned ring is helpful because you can put the glue on one side and use the other side for sealant.  

The rings come in bags of 10, 25, 50 and 100 are available.



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